Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Easy Burlap Table Runner DIY

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   I love shopping with friends. They spot things you might have missed and you also end up buying things you never would have on your own because you get into the spirit of it all. That happened to mes this week when I met my dear friend at Joann's. I had just planned on buying some yarn and heading out, but you can guess where this story is going. As we were going through the last few aisle she spotted this amazing gold polka dot burlap. Into the cart it went. I could not resist how beautiful it is.
Supplies needed
~1 yard of burlap
~Sewing machine Or a needle and thread

First iron the burlap right down the middle. The crease will act as a guide when you cut the burlap in half
Cut your burlap in half on your ironed line so you have two pieces of burlap
Sew the two pieces together RIGHT sides together
Iron open the seam so it lies flat
Ta Da! You are all done and now you have a beautiful table runner

Have a great Monday!
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  1. I love your runner!! Those gold dots add the PERFECT touch!

  2. Cute idea!!!


  3. Rachael,
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the gold polka dots!! Thanks for sharing!


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