Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Remnants of the Past Vintage Show

Hello Fellow Thrfiter and Friends,

  This weekend is going to be a blast because my sister-in-law and I are going on an adventure! We have had this planned for months, and it is finally here. We are going to go camping in lovely Ventura, CA and then drive up to this show...

Its going to be such a great time! The only concern we have is that some of the treasures may be a bit out of our price range, but we are going because it will be a wonderful adventure. Plus we will get tons of inspiration! Of course I have a list of all of the local thrift stores, so I am sure we will come home with at least a few new treasures.

If any of my fellow bloggers are going to this show please let me know! It would be so great to meet some friends from blogland.

The Joyful Thrifter
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Fun

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   Today was a lovely Easter, and I wanted to share our fun with you all.

Mr Joyful Thrifter and I had so much fun coloring our eggs, and of course I put them in my Pyrex bowls. 

This is our lovely table for our Easter meal after a great time at church. 

Hope that you all enjoyed a wonderful Easter as well.

The Joyful Thrifter

Mathew 28:6
"He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   I am saving my dollars (as Mr Joyful Thrifter puts it) for a barn sale that I am going to this upcoming weekend with my sister in law, so I took a thrifting break to prepare for any awesome finds that I might find on this upcoming adventure. That being said I decided to do a bit of repurposing on some previous purchased thrifted treasures.

Mr Joyful Thrifter and I had a blast redoing these pieces. We have had them on our to do list for quite some time, and today was perfect for working on a project.

Here are the "Before's" of the project. All of these items were thrifted or gifted. The shelf was bought at a swapmeet for $8.00, and we use him as a shoe rack. However the rust on this shelf was getting on my boots, so it was time for a redo. The watering can was given to me by my sister who was moving, and did not want to take it with her. I of course take anything free, so I took it home thinking I might spray paint it a new fun color. The mail box I found at Goodwill for $5.99, and Junken daddy was kind enough to build the stand for it and put it all together for me!

Here are some of the in process shots...

This project was great fun! We were enjoying ourselves so much. It was fun to take something that we got for such a great deal, and make it just perfect for us!

Here are the after pictures...

I love the robins egg blue I used on the shelf and the watering can. I have wanted to incorporate this pretty blue into our home, and this was such an easy way to do that. 

I put the watering can on our table right away, and I think it make such a cheerful center piece.

What treasures did you find this week? Or perhaps you got to re-do some already purchased treasures. Please feel free to link up your lovelies so I can share in your fun!

The Joyful Thrifter

What Treasures did you find?

1. Lovely Thrift Finds  

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   What a lovely week it was. Mr Joyful thrifter and I decided to get out of town and explore the Ventura area. It was such a fun relaxing day! We also got to meet up with Junken daddy and Mommy, and enjoy there beach front view at the beach they were camping at.

Alirighty on with the treasures...

The Pyrexia continues with these beauties! From left to right

Green Canister - $0.99
Unique Pyrex Lid - $1.99
 Popsicle Orange - $1.99
Burnt Orange with straw accent - $2.49
Lovely Yellow - $1.99
Cheerful green - $2.99

I know those are not the names of the Pyrex but its fun to create my own sometimes. I am a rebel that way. Here are some close ups...

Continuing with the thrifty fun...

Williams and Sonoma Salads cook book $3.99
Another cute "R" to add to my collection $1.50

My mom bought this wrapping book, and then realized she would never use it so she gifted it to me. I asked how much she paid and she said $0.25. Not a bad bargain.

Another unique avon bottle. I have come across some really neat ones lately, and I really liked this one. I paid $1.45.

This awesome suitcase (which needs some love, and a good Mr clean scrub) was only $1.95.

And finally my favorite find of the week...

YAY a beach cruiser bike. Yes this proves you can buy anything at a thrift store that is on your wish list, but sometimes you just have to wait patiently. Doesn't my bike look awesome on the beach? This bike needs a little love, but after I am done with it it will be so cute! Don't worry I will of course post pictures of the after. OH! you must be wondering what I paid for this beauty? I paid $49.99. My sweet husband gave me the ok to spend the money, and we have already gone on two great rides. Such great fun.

Hope you all had a great week full of thrifty finds. What treasures did you find?

The Joyful Thrifter

What treasures did you find?

1. my thrifty closet  3. 1980 Blue Box Doll House  5. Harper: Vintage Coach purse  
2.   4. My Dear Trash Vintage Wedding  6. LAMB purse  

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Monday, April 11, 2011

I win, I win, AGAIN!

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   I am so blessed to have won another lovely blog giveaway! Its such an exciting thing to find out that you won a treasure that someone else has gathered together just for you. Well sorta just for you once you are picked as the winner.

  I want to give a hearty thank you to A Treasured Past for hosting a sweet Easter giveaway. I was so honored to win the following sweet little treasures...

My excitement builds as I open the box to find this sweet red and white polka dot tissue paper. 

She was so sweet to make this sweet little butterfly made out of map paper.

Look at what treasures that little box held! If you follow my blog you know that I love little things, and to open this box and find it filled with little treasures made my heart oh so happy!

What a great way to end a Monday.

The Joyful Thrifter

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Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

    Well I hit the jack pot today at the swap meet, and I couldn't wait till my Saturday treasure hunt post to show you all my treasures...

Here is a picture of everything I found today...

The pink and reds I found at one stall, and when I asked how much the lady wanted she said $40.00 for all of them. I decided that I didn't want to spend that much, so I walked away. As I was walking around at other booths I just couldn't get those Pyrex out of my mind. I asked Mr Joyful Thrifter if I could offer her $20.00, and he said sure! I went back and she said no to my $20.00 offer, and said she would take $30.00. I then counter offered her with $25.00, and she said she had to ask her mother in law. As I was waiting for her to finish her phone call another lady walks up to offer her the same $25.00, and I assured her that I already placed that offer. She was a little upset that I had swooped in on her treasures, but I was so glad to have gotten there first. The stall owner could not get a hold of her mother in law so she just said fine just take them for $25.00. 

Here are some close ups of my new treasures...

Oh happy happy heart!!! They are so pretty.

The Joyful Thrifter

Linking up with Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow thrifters and Friends,
   I hope this post finds you having a wonderfully thrifty week! My finds this week were lovely, but on the small scale. Which is fine by me because I love small things!

Two little owls found at Target in the dollar section! I was so surprised to see these little cuties there. So I snatched them up of course and I plan on adding them to my fast growing critter collection. Not sure if this is a good collection to grow, but its some how happening without me noticing.

These owls are good friends, and they are thankful to have found a good home. The little "O" leads into my next treasure hunt find...

These are not vintage, but super cute! A children's alphabet made into magnets. I decided not to use them as magnets but rather...

As super cute hanging things on my bookshelf. The whole bag of alphabet magnets cost $2.99, and I almost didn't buy them too! Can you imagine? 

This was just a little find, but I thought it was so cute. Not sure what I will use it for, but for $0.99 it sure is worth a creative try.

A little picture frame for $0.50

And a drum roll please for my favorite find of the week...

A wonderfully cute shelf to house my Pyrex beauties. The shelf was $14.99 at GoodWill, and its really sturdy and fits my dishes so nicely!

What treasures did you find? Please feel free to link up and share your treasures. I sure do enjoy seeing my fellow bloggers finds.

The Joyful Thrifter

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   I am so excited to announce I won my first blog giveaway recently, and today it arrived in the mail!! First off I want to give a hearty thank you to Brittany at My (Un)Intentional Life for hosting a giveaway! It was my first time to actually win one of these lovely treasure giveaway after entering in countless of them. So without further ado here is my newest addition to my collection...

My excitement was mounting when I could see this little beauty peaking through the bubble wrap.

Isn't she lovely? Oh I was so excited to get this dish. Plus its in the exact same colors as my kitchen. Its a win, win. 

Have you ever won a Giveaway? If so what did you win?

The Joyful Thrifter

P.s after I won this Pyrex dish I also won another giveaway on a different blog. Pretty lucky ha? I will definitely post pictures when that treasure arrives in the mail. 

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

  At first I thought this would be a dull thrifting week because I was going to enter my blog post with only one purchased treasure. However a trip to the antique stores with my mother in law proved to help fix my dilemma. We were in Beaumont and went to about four different thrift mall type stores, and had a splendid time! Here are the treasures from that fun visit...

Ok is that not the cutest little sewing machine ever! PLUS its holly hobby. Holly hobby always makes me think of my oldest thrifty sister because my mom was really into dressing her up like holly hobby. So funny. My mom went through her little house on the prairie phase where she wanted us all looking like prairie children. Its fun memories to think on, and also makes me thankful that I took my clothing choices into my own hands. 

I paid a bit more then I usually pay, but this was a rather unique find I thought. I paid $6.00, which was 50% off the original price. It still makes me smile when I look at its cute blue color and sweet little holly hobby picture.

And it wouldn't be a perfect weekend without a Pyrex purchase

My first baby fridgie for $5.00 with out a lid. Don't judge that I paid that much for it, I couldn't resist getting my first little fridgie. And I thought to find it for that price in an antique store was a great steal. 

Speaking of Pyrex today at the antique stores I saw more Pyrex in one spot then I have ever seen in my life. I had to take some pictures to share with you all...

My heart Pitter Patters every time I look at these pictures. If I had a unlimited budget I would have bought it all, but you know that just wouldn't be very fun because I sure do love hunting for Pyrex treasures at the thrift stores. Its so exciting to finally find one, and know it was a great deal. All of the above Pryex was really expensive for my thrifty little budget.

This antique store was so cute! This is my cute mother in law and her friend.

Here is my last Pyrex find of the week, and I found it at my local GoodWill

Look who has a buddy now? My Pyrex lemon pitcher! The pitcher without the lid is the one I already owned, and I found the other one at Goodwill with a lid for $2.99. See how exciting the joy of the hunt is? 

I bought this sweet little TY bear for my mother in law for $0.75. He is the sweetest little bear. 

What treasures did you find? Please feel free to link up and share your treasures. I sure do enjoy seeing my fellow bloggers finds.

The Joyful Thrifter

What treasures did you find?

1. A treasured past finds  3. Thriftastic!  5. Thefinderskeeper  
2. Thrifty Thursday!  4. thrifted fababrics  6. Thrifty thursdays Party  

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