Monday, April 29, 2013

"No Matter What" Art Project

Hello Fellow Thrifters and friends,
   The phrase "No Matter What" is very near and dear to my heart. Mr Joyful Thrifter and I told each other that often while we were dating and made it our slogan for our marriage. The saying has so much meaning to us.
-"No Matter What" we will be faithful to each other
-"No Matter What" we will always enjoy each other
-"No Matter What" we will continue to grow our marriage
-"No Matter What" we will love each other

I could make this list go on and on, but those are some of the main points. Those three simple words hold powerful meaning in our little home. That being said I love using it for inspiration in my art. I have seen some lovely canvas art lately where the person simply hand writes important words, wedding vows, song lyrics, etc on the canvas. I love the simpleness of it but how awesome it looks hanging on a wall.

Canvas can get a bit pricey, and since I was not sure if I was going to like the finished product I bought a piece of foam board to try out this project on. Plus the foam board was on sale for $0.88 at Michaels so that made my decision very easy.

I started off by penciling in the words before I started painting so some lines would not be larger then other ones. 
The final product needs to be hung, but I can't wait to find a wall where it will look lovely. And also continue to remind us of how important our marriage and our home is. 
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Monday, April 22, 2013

Today is Great

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
It has been a lovely weekend, and today is great! I love the soft weather, and I love this strange plant that is growing in my back yard. I hope your day is great today too!
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Painting an Old Dresser

Hello fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   I have been re-painting furniture like crazy latley. It is such a great way to update pieces I already have. Plus it can brighten up a room very nicely when you choose a bright color like yellow.

I love looking at all the shades of yellow paint at Lowes. it makes me want to buy enough furniture to use all of the shades.
We bought the dresser a long time ago at an estate sale for $2.00, and just never got around to painting it. We decided this week that our tv was just to low to the ground, and we remembered this little dresser and decided it was going to make a perfect tv stand. The dresser was definitely in need of some paint and new knobs. The knobs that were on the dresser did not match, and to be honest they were just ugly. 
Here is the before:
Here is the Lovely After:
I just love the color. It is so happy and cheerful. The knobs were found at a garage sale, so this whole project cost about $5.00 to do. Now that is a thrifty update. 
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Storage Auction

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
    Mr Joyful Thrifter and I got to go to our first storage auction this past month. Going to a storage auction has been something we have wanted to do for quite some time. We are huge fans storage wars, so when we heard of a local storage auction we had to give it a go.
(image via A&E)
Here we are posing for exactly the same picture. Right?
We did not buy a storage locker, but it was quite the adventure to go. Here is what we learned at the auction:
-You don't have to shower before attending an auction. WOW did it smell awful inside the storage facility.
-A lot of lockers are empty or have just one shoe box in them.
-Another mans trash is truly another mans treasure. An example is a locker with a several cases of kitty food went for $45.00. Why I don't know. 
-We could have brought home so much crap our house would have turned into a storage facility.
Over all it was a great time, and we will for sure go to another one again sometime.
Have you ever been to an storage auction before?
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Upcycling Shutters into a Head Board

Hello fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   Our spare bedroom is looking so lovely. I can't wait to do a room tour here on the blog, but it still has a way to go. I have seen some lovely head boards made out of shutters on Pinterest, and I had two shutters sitting in my garage needing to be used. 

My dad cut the shutters in two pieces for me, so they could be a head board size instead of door size. We thought we would sand the doors before beginning to paint them to make sure the paint adhered to them.
Lets just say that idea back fired on us pretty quickly. Mr Joyful Thrifter had to put each one of those little pieces of wood back into the little slats. So sad. Such is the life of a DIY'er. He finally did it and I was able to continue on with the project, and we decided that they did not need to be sanded anymore.
He was pretty sad about having to put them back together again.
Look at that awesome mint green color! I just love it. Plus I got the paint for $3.00 in the clearance section at Lowes. That is my favorite spot at Lowes for sure. 
They are looking so lovely. I will post pictures soon of the finished product hanging on the wall. 
Good Luck on the projects you are working on!
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Monday, April 15, 2013

Left Behind Pyrex

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
  Here is another episode of Left Behind Pyrex. On the show today is expensive Pyrex, and a really special guest of dish washered Pyrex. I have left quite a bit of Pyrex behind lately, and looking through the pictures does not make me regret not buying any of them (phew)

This little guy was being sold for $7.99, and since I already have him I was not going to pay that much to bring him home.
I don't even know how much this one was but it is my least favorite print, so it was not going to come home either way. 
This ugly little brown bowl was $5.99 which seemed ridiculous to me. By the way it is still at the store waiting for someone silly to come and buy him.
Another ugly print. This is just not a happy pattern at all. And the one below I also have. 
A very sad dish washered fridgie for $2.99, which was not that bad but he is very sad on the other side. He too is still at Goodwill.
Two lovelies from france, but they were $14.00 and just not a pattern that I love.
I have so many of these it is not even funny, and for $6.99 not worth bringing home.
Found any Pyrex lately that you DID bring home? I hope you all are having a great Monday.
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
   What a busy few weeks it has been around this thrifters home. Between my sister coming into town, and planing a spur of the moment trip to Arizona I just have not had a chance to sit down and write a blog post. Plus I have hardly found any treasures lately which meant I had not treasure hunt finds posts to share with you lovelies. I finally found a few finds this past week and had to make time to share.

PYREX!!! EEEPPPP!! I have not found a piece of Pyrex reasonably priced and in a a pattern/color that I did not already own in forever. I just love this peachy fridgie that I found for $2.99. The color is perfectly spring and a great addition to my collection.
Colorful picture frames for $2.00 each. I always love picking up frames because I am constantly printing out pictures to scrapbook and I never know what to do with the extras. Problem solved by buying tons of beautiful frames and super cheap prices. 
What did you find this week? I would love to see your treasures too! Feel free to link up below. Or you can post your pictures to the Joyful Treasure Hunting facebook page (link on the side bar).

Here are the lovely sites I enjoy linking up with. We get to share more fun that way:

Please feel free to link up your thrifty finds, DIY's, decorating fun or anything you would like. ENJOY!!!

If you would be so kind as to link back to this link party that would be great!

1. Thrifting and Family  3. Flo @More Fun Than Humans Should Be Allowed ...  
2. From Mizzou to Missoula  4. Scavenger Hunt  

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