Sunday, July 24, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   Its so nice to sit down and write this post to you all and look around my little home and see sweet candles lit and a cozy apartment that is clean. I just spent the last 2 hours making my home pretty, and I think it looks lovely and smells so clean. I cleaned areas that have not been touched in awhile, and I feel so good about finally getting to them. Well enough about my cleaning and on to the fun stuff, and that is the treasures.

All of these treasures were $12.00. I would love to tell you how much each item cost, but the lady who priced them made no sense in her pricing, so I just decided to give you the total I paid. This was the rudest sale I have ever attended. It was an advertised estate sale, and before you could even get into the sale the lady who called out the names checked your purse! Can you believe that? She told one lady her purse was to big to bring into the sale. It was crazy. Mr Joyful thrifter was instantly ready to go, but I really wanted to see what items were there.

The furniture prices were ridiculous, but I did buy a few inexpensive items. 

I love this little pin cushion I found. 

There was a small sale right near the estate sale, and I wanted to stop to see if we could find some better finds with nicer sellers. I found these in the box Avon glasses, and the lady only wanted $2.00 for all four of them. I'LL TAKE THEM!!! However Mr Joyful thrifter really does not like them very much, so I would like to sell them if anyone is interested in them. I also found this old date stamp. Only $1.00. I just loved how old it was, and the price was right. This was so much more fun compared to the previous sale. 

The next sale was soooooo much fun. We found some of the most lovely items, and the house was beautiful. I wish I could have taken pictures of the inside of this house because it was in such wonderful condition. 

I found these jewelry boxes in the garage. The big pink one was $2.00 and the little box was $0.50.

Three mirrors for $6.00. I loved the unique shapes of these little mirrors. 

All of these frames for $3.00

This was my favorite. It instantly made me think of Mr Joyful Thrifter.

Coat hooks for only $1.00 each. 

These framed birds were my FAVORITE finds at this sale. I instantly fell in love with these. I paid $9.00 for all of them, and I really splurged because it was more then I would normally pay. I just love them, and they are already hung on my wall.

Two lamp shades for $4.00.

Light switch cover for $0.50. 

It was a lovely weekend, and I just had such a good time finding deals with Mr Joyful Thrifter. 

It is always such a joy to share my treasures with you all! 

The Joyful Thrifter

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Belated birthday present...

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,
    I was gifted a lovely present today by a dear fellow thrifter and lover of vintage...

Isn't this little puppy the cutest thing? I just love him so much!

Thank you my dear thrifting buddy!!

The Joyful Thrifter

P.s Have you been gifted a sweet gift recently???
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Monday, July 18, 2011

And the winner is...

Hello fellow thrifters and Friends,

    Today is the day I have been waiting for!!! I get to announce the winner for my 100 Follower Give away. I had so much fun with this give away, and definitely will do another one someday.

I put all of the eligible names in one of my favorite Pyrex dishes


Danielle has a lovely blog, which you can visit here My Blessed Serendipity Life 

I hope you enjoy my treasures, which are now your treasures.

The Joyful Thrifter

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   Today was a lovely day not only for Garage sales but for weather. It was so nice to be out and about and not be sweating. I just love cooler weather. It was a fantastic garage sale day. I wanted to hit a sale I saw advertised that said they had Pyrex first. I was leary, but they came through for sure...

The Bowl was $2.00 and the lid was $0.25. I don't have a bowl in this style so I was glad to find it.

$1.00 for both measuring cups, and now I have all three sizes...

On our way to my folks house we stopped a garage sale that said it was going to be open till 3:00pm. Perfect because it was only 2:15.

The orignal Pyrex I bought at this garage sale for a dollar I traded my mom for this pink lovely! The lid was given to me by the lady at the garage sale. She said i could just have it since she didn't have the dish to match it. I gladly accepted. This is my second pink dish. 

I got this shelf for $1.00, and after a little cleaning up it looks like this...

This shelf is much needed storage in our kitchen! And for a dollar its even better. The lady said she has had this shelf since she was a little girl. I just love history.

Insulator was only $1.00, and this sweet peter rabbit tea set was $1.00. The lady seemed so pleased that I liked the tea set. I think she was just glad it was going to a good home. 

Cheerful tin for $1.00. I am going to use this tin as a sewing box. I just love how happy it is.

Finally, Mr Joyful thrifter found this shelf listed on craigs list for free. We always need shelves for the treasures I bring home. 

 I will post pictures of how I decorate it later this week.

It is always such a joy to share my treasures with you all! 

The Joyful Thrifter

~*~*~*~*Don't forget to join my Thrifty Give Away ~*~*~*~
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Friday, July 15, 2011

A Key to the Past

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

     I got to stop at good will this week with Mr Joyful Thrifter, and found these sitting in the Christmas section of all places and knew I had to take them home...

I paid $7.99 for 12 keys, and I was so excited!! 

Now onto my show and tell. Here is what I did with some of the keys...

My living room floor was covered with vintage goodness as I figured out what I was going to do

Here is the final product...

I am so pleased with the end result, and I think it came out really sweet.

~~~Don't forget to join my Thrifty Give Away ~~~
Here is hoping the Garage sales and Estate sales are full of treasures this weekend.

The Joyful Thrifter
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pyrex Mac N' Cheese

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

It was so fun putting all of that  new Pyrex to use. Sometimes people ask if I actually use my Pyrex, and it is a joy for me use my lovely dishes.  Here is the recipe if you are interested for this wonderful Mac N' Cheese.

Mac and Cheese
  • 4 cups Dried Macaroni

  • ¼ cups (1/2 Stick Or 4 Tablespoons) Butter

  • ¼ cups All-purpose Flour

  • 2-½ cups Whole Milk (I use 1 1/2 cups skim milk and 1 cup cream)

  • 2 teaspoons (heaping) Dry Mustard, More If Desired (I am gonna try half that amount)

  • 1 whole Egg Beaten

  • 1 pound Cheese, Grated (I used a combo of sharp cheddar, mild cheddar, and Monterrey jack)

  • ½ teaspoons Salt, More To Taste

  • ½ teaspoons Seasoned Salt, More To Taste

  • ½ teaspoons Ground Black Pepper

    1. Cook macaroni until very firm. Macaroni should be too firm to eat right out of the pot. Drain.
    2. In a small bowl, beat egg.
    3. In a large pot, melt butter and sprinkle in flour. Whisk together over medium-low heat. Cook mixture for five minutes, whisking constantly. Don’t let it burn.
    4. Pour in milk, add mustard, and whisk until smooth. Cook for five minutes or until very thick. Reduce heat to low.
    5. Take 1/4 cup of the sauce and slowly pour it into beaten egg, whisking constantly to avoid cooking eggs. Whisk together till smooth.
    6. Pour egg mixture into sauce, whisking constantly. Stir until smooth.
    7. Add in cheese and stir to melt.
    8. Add salts and pepper. Taste sauce and add more salt and seasoned salt as needed! DO NOT UNDERSALT.
    9. Pour in drained, cooked macaroni and stir to combine.
    10. Serve immediately (very creamy, which is how I am serving it next time) or pour into a buttered 9 x 13 inch baking dish, top with extra cheese, and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until bubbly and golden on top.
    We also made some yummy french fries to go with the Mac N' Cheese. Real healthy ha?

    Don't forget to join in on my thrifty Give Away.

    The Joyful Thrifter
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    Monday, July 11, 2011

    100 Follower Give Away!!!!!

    Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

        First off I want to thank all of those who have stopped by my blog to leave sweet comments and link up. This little blog has brought me so much joy. I am so surprised by all of the lovely people who have visited my blog. To celebrate my followers I am hosting my first give away!!

    I had so much fun gathering up all of these treasures to share with one lucky winner! 

    I combined all of the things I love and put it all together for you :)

     The Rules:

    I want this to be simple and most of all FUN!

    - You must be a follower to join the Give Away
    - Leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address
    - And finally for one extra chance to win you can mention this Give Away on your blog with a link    back to my blog. If you mention this give away on your blog make sure you put in an extra comment :)
    - This is not a rule I wanted to add, but my thrifty budget can't afford postage of this heavy packaged out of the USA. So I am limiting this to USA followers only :( Sigh...

    I will announce the winner on July 18, 2011 :)

    This is not a rule but I would love it if you would post pictures of when you receive my treasures so I can be part of your fun too :)


    The Joyful Thrifter

    Here are some place I have linked up this week with my fun give away :) I want lots of people to be able to join in the fun :).
    Chic on a Shoestring 
    Thursdays are for thrifting


    Very Merry Vintage Style Blog Button
    Beyond The Picket Fence
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    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    Treasure Hunt Finds

    Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

       This was one of those thrifty weeks that you dream of. My thrifting started on Monday because I went to the thrift stores while I was visiting my in laws in Hemet. I almost feel guilty about how much Pyrex and treasures I came home with this past week, but my sweet husband said to go for it AND I DID!!!


    I found this lovely almost complete set for $16.95 in Ventura. Mr Joyful Thrifter and I got out of the heat and went down to Venutura to enjoy the weather and find some good deals. 

    I guess when it rains it poors, and it poored on me with this pattern of Pyrex! One of the little mixing bowls came with the set of Cinderella bowls above, and the other two were found at good will for $6.00.

    I found these lovelies all at different stores. The lime green one was found at goodwill in Hemet for $2.99, the golden bowl was found at the Good will in Valencia for $2.99, and finally the lovely large cinderella bowl was found at the Salvation army in Hemet for $5.00.

    Strange Pyrex find. I have never seen this type of Pyrex tin cover posted anywhere on the blogs, but the tin is marked Pyrex, and the bread dish that fits perfectly inside is Pyrex too! I found him in Ventura for $5.95.  Have you ever seen this before? And if so is it rare?

    Yay I finally found a lid to go with my lidless divded dish, and it was only $1.99. The little yellow dish was $1.99 too.

    FAVORITE PYREX FIND OF THE WEEK!! I love this set. I don't have one like it at all, and was excited to find it at a fabulous estate sale we got to go to on Saturday. I gladly paid $8.00 for this beautiful set. The Estate sale where this lovely was purchased was one of those sales you find after going to about 50 garage sales that are duds. This house was full of every kind of vintage treasure you can think of. The following items were all bought from this awesome sale...

    YES ITS IN THE BOX!!! How cool is that? This awesome Pyrex bake around dish cost $2.00, and is in great condition. I am thinking I might try to sell this one as I don't really have a place to store him, but just could not pass up such a great deal.

    I love the part of the box that says "as seen on tv" It made me smile.

    My first frog! And at a great price too. I paid $2.00/ each for these awesome treasures. I was at a vintage inspired store in Ventura and found a few of these frogs selling for $15.00 + dollars so I was so glad to have only paid $2.00.

    Such a sweet table cloth. I just fell in love with it the moment I saw it, and since I have a small table I love snatching up linens that will actually fit my table without overwhelming it. This beauty was $1.50. (bonus there are no stains on it at all)

    All of these pretties I got for $2.00. They are full of love and vintage goodness.

    Sweet little ladle for $0.50.

    Like I said it was a rare Estate sale with the best kind of vintage treasures. I would have gladly bought everything, but my little apartment will bust soon if I keep at the pace I am going. But its so fun, and I usually keep everything in boxes and once a week bring out new treasures to brighten things up and make it look fresh in my small space. 

    Knitting needles for $2.99 at the good will in Ventura.

    Such a sweet children's book about birds for $1.95.

    We stopped at this garage sale and I was looking at a bunch of things that I thought were really pretty. As the lady saw me she kindly mentioned to me that everything on the table was $0.10/ each. Well after I heard that I gently began to grab all of the treasures I was interested in and place them in a pile. All of the below pictures were all items that were only $0.10/ each

    Can you believe it? I couldn't, but it was true and I had so much fun spending one whole dollar!

    What a fun week, and now I have the task of finding homes for all of my new treasures. My favorite part!  

    It is always such a joy to share my treasures with you all! Please feel free to link up and share your treasures. I love joining in your fun too!

    The Joyful Thrifter

    What treasures did you find?

    1. Sherry@Back2Vintage  2. Vintage owls  3. Rhiannon@RemarquableJunque  

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