Saturday, February 26, 2011

Treasure Hunt Finds

Hello Fellow Thrifters and friends,

    Today was a great day for treasures!! I went to my first estate sale today, and let me tell you I am a huge fan! This estate sale was in a storage facility in a local industrial park. I was so excited about going to the sale today! We were unable to go right when it opened, but showed up around 11:00. They had tons of stuff. A lot of disney and LARGE furniture, which is not exactly the type of stuff I am interested in, but the sale was still an exciting thing for me. I found a large box of fabric that I dug through, and after pulling out the first layer I discovered these...

SCARVES!!! Lovely lovely ones! I found nine scarves that I loved and a small spool of ribbon, so I offered the guy running the estate sale $3.00 which he gladly accepted.  Here is a close up picture of the lovelies... 

As I was looking through that same box this brand caught my eye, and I knew I FOUND A GOOD ONE!

I found this lovely Vera scarf in the forgotten box of fabric, and I decided that I would make this scarf my first attempt at selling on Ebay (My first attempt at selling on ebay was made possible by the Mr Joyful Thrifter because he is letting me use his ebay account)

Here is a better picture of the lovely scarf

If you are interested in owning this beauty here is the link: Vintage Vera Scarf

Continuing on with the treasures

My first square shaped Pyrex dish. I jumped with glee when I found it under a few other dishes at Goodwill. I hung on to it tight for the remainder of the trip. YAY! I have officially developed Pyrexia syndrome. AND I AM GLAD!!!!

These items were all found at the Assistance League thrift store. I paid $0.25/ea for the magazines and $0.25 for the scoop. 

He was calling to me, "take me home" so I did. I called my husband and told him he was not allowed to tease me about one of my little purchases that I was bringing home. This puppy was only $0.45, and was yet another perfect reason why he needed to come home with me. 

Sweet little vase for $0.45. I love it when Salvation puts their whole store on sale. It makes for a great surprise when you pull into their parking lot and see a huge banner that says 50% OFF ENTIRE STORE!

Adventures in English Literature $1.00. It was laid in the wrong spot at Salvation army, so the queen of finding the outcast pieces picked it up and put it in her basket. 

Great weekend for treasure hunting. What did you all find? 

The Joyful Thrifter

I am linking of with Thrift Share Monday on Apron Thrift Girl

What treasures did you find?

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pyrex Love and Some Gifted Love

Hello fellow thrifters and friends,

   I went to Goodwill today, but came away empty handed. I found some things, but I can't bring everything home otherwise I will end up on an episode of hoarders. So instead here is a fun picture of dinner tonight using what else PYREX!

Ok so this meal did not need to go into my double pyrex dish, but I just love using it! 

Now onto some gifted love. I have been given some wonderfully special treasures lately, and I just have to share them with you all!

These are two of the most wonderful treasures I could have ever asked for! A lovely lady who I have known for my many years gifted these two beauties to me a few weeks ago. I was so overwhelmed that she wanted to give them to me, but gladly accepted them. The lovely lady who gave them to me also made dinner for my husband and I. What a perfect night, treasures and food!

 These wonderful napkins were gifted with love to me from my mom. She found them at a garage sale for $3.00 and picked them up for me as a present! I actually turned one of them into a doily because it looked so cute on my shelf.

Last is a treasure I have been wanting for awhile...

A POLAROID CAMERA!!!! And I got it for $2.00 at the assistance league in Newhall. (Thank you Mr Joyful Thrifter for posing in this picture) 

Well thats all for now!

The Joyful Thrifter
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

The good deals are found when it rains

Hello Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

   It was such a great day for thrifiting. Most people stayed indoors due to the rain, but this crazy thrift store shopper went out to find the deals.

Good Will was my first stop today, and offered me some really fun treasures. Then it was off to the salvation army, and finally the church of hope thrift shop.

I was joking with my husband today that a clearance rack at the thrift store is always such a funny sight because its cheap on top of cheap. I LOVE IT!!!

Well enough of me chattering on, here are the real goods...the pictures of the TREASURES!

 These wonderful little plates were on clearance for $0.99/each. The patterns were so fun and cheery, and you can't beat the price!

This awesome blue jewelry box was 1/2 price at only $2.00. My husband found this box for me and knew I would want to take it home.

The sweet little salt and pepper shakers were $1.99, and the lovely little doily was $0.99.

 My heart gets oh so happy when I find a pyrex dish. I found several pyrex dishes today, but all of them were overpriced (for my budget at least) I found this dish for $4.99.

Vintage stationary in a great gold box. Who wouldn't buy this set for $0.25.

Happy heart! old Christmas bulbs! Perfect for making ornaments this Christmas. Or just for decoration. They are so cute! $0.99/ea.

Two great tins! We are actually going to put oatmeal and tea in these cans! I love using cans to store things! $1.99/ea.

Books were half priced at salvation army today, so I picked up these two. The Time Traveler's Wife was $0.50 and this sweet edition of Little Women was $1.00.

I also picked up a few other items, but I will post pictures after I redo them. I will do a bunch of before and after pictures for that post. I also bought a few gifts, so those of course can't be posted.

Hope you all had a great weekend! What did treasures did you find?

The Joyful Thrifter

Linking up with Apron Thrift Girl Pin It Now!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines Day Fellow Thrifters and Friends,

    Please bear with me as I renovate my blog and make it better and more fun. Blogging is a new world for me, so please keep stopping by as I make adjustments and improvements.

I can't leave a post without sharing a treasure. I realized that I forgot to post a picture of one of my finds from Saturday. So here you go....

I bought this wonderful box of ribbon at a garage sale for $2.00. The box was full of great ribbon (and some ugly ribbon too) It was so much fun to dump the box out on my bedroom floor and see what different styles this fellow crafter had saved over the years. 

I plan on using the ribbon for card making as most of the pieces are rather small, but I need to find some spare time in the day to make cards.

Well that is all for me thrifters and friends,

The Joyful Thrifter

P.s If you have any suggestions please feel free to share those! I love others opinions and styles. 
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

My surprise garage sale / thrift store weekend away

Hello Fellow thrifters and Friends,

  My adorably sweet husband surprised me yesterday when I got home from work by telling me we were staying in a hotel that night. HOW FUN IS THAT!!! He booked the hotel in Simi valley so we could go to a rummage sale that we saw in an advertisement. Oh and also of course THRIFT STORES!!!

We had such a great two days, and found some awesome treasures!!

FINALLY!!! A typewriter at a price I was willing to pay, $2.00. AND! its pink! and has a great case :) I found him at a rummage sale

I was also able to pick up my type writer that I have had for years at my parents house, so now I have two typewriters. The next question I have to ask myself is....

#1 - Why did I HAVE to have a typewriter?

#2 - Now what am I going to do with TWO typewriters??

Have no fear thrifters you will not find my new purchase when you are at goodwill. I will keep them both, and find awesome homes for them. I am sure of it :)

This lamp was a favorite purchase of the day as well! He was only $2.00, and perfect for our desk in the spare bedroom. We found him at another great garage sale.

For once my husband actually spent more then me at a garage sale. He spent $10.00 and I only spent $2.00. That is a very rare event!

This pretty little Pyrex bowl was found at Goodwill in Simi Valley, and he was the perfect price of $1.99. He is a perfect sunny yellow color :):)

Happy face pitcher - $0.99 - at Simi Valley Thrift. Perfect for Koolaid :)
 Sweet little tea cup - $0.45 - Simi Valley Thrift (I had bought the saucer that matches this cup a long time ago, and now I have the complete set) I love the handle on this little cup.

Yellow Ice Cream Scoop - $1.00 - Garage sale
Cookie Cutter - $0.75 - Attic thrift store
Sweet little pitcher - $0.69 - GoodWill

I had such a wonderful day of fun! Thanks to my sweet husband who loves to surprise me with days that are soo perfect. I guess today was to perfect because he is fast asleep on the couch. Thrifting wears him out :)

Enjoy the treasure pictures. What did you guys find this weekend?

The Joyful Thrifter Pin It Now!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chocolate with a side of Hobbs :)

Hello Thrifters and Friends,
   I love thrifting so much! But I also love being a wife and having friends and family into my home. That being said tonights post has a little bit of worlds. We are having some good friends over tomorrow night, and I decided to make the all time classic and easy to make PUDDING! However my new favorite way of serving pudding is in mini pie tins with graham cracker crust.

My husband and I also stopped at one of my favorite Good Will's in Newhall. I think sometimes for me going to a thrift store is more of a relaxing experience then a shopping experience. If I have a long day at work or I am just tired there is nothing better to me then hopping in the car and going to a thrift store. I love wandering the aisles and seeing all of the fun treasures that come in, or attempting to spot the items that I have seen there for a LOOOONG Time! Wondering when those old items will sell OR if they will sell. Anyways, I didn't find to much this evening, but my adorable husband found a Calvin and Hobbs book that we decided needed to come home with us. 

Tonight must come to a close as my sweet husband is already in bed. I know you are going to realize after I publish this post that it is only 8:45, but its ok at least we will wake up refreshed because of all that great sleep we got.

Good night fellow thrifters and friends,

The Joyful Thrifter

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What did you do with that cabinet anyway?

Hello my fellow thrifters and friends,

   My mom requested awhile ago that I post a picture of my new green cabinet when it is filled with treasures. It is not complete, meaning I know I will change it again, but for now.......

I filled the cabinet with the ribbon that I bought at GoodWill (I posted more detailed pictures of the ribbon on my previous post) There are also other little thrifted items, and a lovely wedding frame gifted to me by my wonderful supervisor at work. 

After I posted the pictures of my new purse I realized that I didn't take a picture of the inside for you all to see. The inside was such a huge selling point. Ok fine I won't lie the price was the selling point and the lining was just an awesome bonus.

Well fellow thrifters and friends I am signing out!

The Joyful Thrifter
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Monday, February 7, 2011

My first post! Oh happy Day!

Hello Thrifters and friends!

   I have been using facebook as my primary way of posting pictures of my thrifted treasures, but after much debate I decided it was time to have an official home for my treasure pictures to live!

I hope my thoughts and posts will be enjoyable, and if I don't keep up with this blog I will delete it and keep you all from the misery of reading yet another boring blog.

I will begin by posting a few of my most recent purchases. Oh a note on my purchases. At this time in my life I am not a thrifter who purchases treasures to sell, but rather I buy these things to love and decorate my home with. That being said, I love when I get to see the prices of things that people buy, so I will be giving ALL of my pricing when I post pictures :)

This wonderful wooden box is a favorite find over the last couple of weeks! However I must admit that my sweet husband bought this little box for me. He told me it was his way of apologizing for cheating on me by going to a garage sale without me. He is a silly, but I was oh so excited to find my treasure waiting for me when I got home.

The Box was bought in love for $1.00

Now to note the sweet bottles on the lower shelf. Those were a swap meet find. I bought 4 bottles (one of the clear bottles has a home in another area of the apartment) for $0.25!!! I know so fun!

What is better then vintage ribbon? Oh thats right vintage ribbon for $0.99 a spool! Oh lovely day!! Each roll has 25 yards on it! Goodness! I might not even be able to get a yard for that price on certain ribbons. 

My sweet husband who spoils me let me buy 23 roles of this gorgeous ribbon! Since my crafting comes in spurts when I have a few bits of free time the ribbon has actually become a decoration in my living room.

I have not entered the ebay world a lot, but when I decided to type in yellow purses I had a wonderful surprise awaiting me! This purse called out to me saying YOU SHOULD BUY ME! Oh and who couldn't answer that call when the little treasure is telling you he only costs $2.99! I bid, and won this little purse! He came in the mail today, which brightened my day!

NOW here are just some pictures of my recent treasures....Prices will be at the end of the post :)

Cute Canisters in my favorite color - Yellow! - $5.99 GoodWill
Tea Container - $0.25 - Swap Meet
Antique Furniture book - $1.00 - Swap Meet (I haggled to get it down to $1.00 My husband was so proud of me! )
Cabinet - $13.00 - GoodWill
Lemon juicer - $2.99 - GoodWill

That is all for today treasure hunters and friends,

The Joyful Thrifter
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