This lovely little Pixar movie holds such a special spot in my thrifty little heart because it was the first movie Mr Joyful Thrifter and I saw when we started dating. So of course when I see a WALL-E treasure at a thrift store I have to pick it up.
This cute children's book was only $1.00
Here is my little collection of Wall-E treasures.
The little Wall-E candle was given to me by Mr Joyful Thrifter on our first Christmas together. I love that a silly children's movie has such wonderfully sweet memories of our time together when were only Boyfriend and Girlfriend.
I hope my blogger friends enjoyed a little sneak into the special parts of my heart.
What was the first movie you saw with your special someone?
Wish me luck as I make my second ever attempt to post and hopefully sell an item on Ebay! I found a fireking dish a thrift store, which got me interested in that brand. I began to do a bit of research to see what I could find out. Seems like the dishes are similar in some ways to Pyrex or glassbake, but they have some lovely luster hues. My heart is bound to Pyrex, but I just couldn't pass up this dish in the hopes that someone out there might want to make it a part of their family. Here is the lovely in all her peach luster beauty...OH! I apologize for the poor pictures it was hard to capture that lovely luster with my camera so the pictures are not super great.
Alright here we go...
If any of my blogger friends are interested please feel free to stop by and place a bid - Fire King dish on Ebay
If the auction doesn't go well I will suffer through and keep it for myself. Life is so rough for us thrifters.
This was a wonderful thrifting week. My thrifting actually started on Tuesday because I got the the day off from work to spend with Mr joyful Thrifter. Our first adventure on our day off was to meet up with my parents and brother at the swapmeet.
I got my mom hooked on Pyrex! wahoo! Which was awesome because we found so much at the swap meet. We were giddy with excitement!
Lovely bowl for only $1.00
Sweet little green Pyrex for $1.00
My mom was the first to pick up this lovely Pyrex from England at this same wonderful booth (sorry for the poor picture I used my cell phone)
This dish is so lovely! Care to take a stab at the price? Yep you guessed it $1.00! Can you believe it! The dishes are in fantastic condition! My mom and I felt like we were stealing them, but were so excited that we didn't care! The lady just seemed like she wanted to get rid of her stuff, and almost everything was $1.00
Again at the same booth I found this glass bake dish and bought it for my mom at the magic price of $1.00
The fun and deals did'nt stop there!
I found this sweet little book about writing letters for $1.00. I love writing cards, so this book had to come home. Its full of sweet inspiration for letter writing.
WAIT CAN IT BE? MORE PYREX!!! Yes!! I found yet another Pyrex dish at the swap meet!! MY FIRST FRIDGIE!!!! I paid $5.00 for this dish in perfect condition. I just had to take it home. I still get excited when I look at it.
These are my favorite finds of the day...
Three vintage Avon lotion bottles. Almost everything I bought at the swap meet on Tuesday was that perfect price of $1.00. That being said I only paid $1.00/each for these wonderful bottles.
Here is another angle of these lovelies...
Yes they have handles! Doesn't that just add to the cute factor?
I suppose it was an Avon day because I also found this Avon soap dish...
The dish was only $1.00 and on the back it says its from 1978. Such a beauty. I found it at the awesome Pyrex booth from earlier in the post. When I bought this soap dish I had another fellow thrifter in mind, so I gave it to her as part of a house warming present. She loved it!
After we were finished scouring the swap meet my mom wanted to look for a book case, so we all headed over to The Salvation Army. Unfortunately no book cases were to be found, but I found this awesome treasure...
Polaroid camera for only $2.44
And if those finds treasures aren't enough here are my GoodWill finds
YES MORE PYREX! I can't believe how much wonderful Pyrex I was able to find this week. Oh happy heart!
I just love this mixing bowl! The flower pattern is so sweet. I paid $2.99, which was great because it was the first clear bowl with a pattern that I have ever seen.
Look who is hiding in my yellow bowl...
A cute little skunk figurine! He was sitting on the shelf, and I just fell in love with him, and for $0.99 I had to take him home.
Here is a better picture of my new friend...
My treasures this week were so wonderful! I had such a great time finding them too.
What treasures did you find? Please feel free to link up, so I can enjoy seeing your finds too.
What a wonderful week it has been. I got to spend some time with a dear friend, who is also a fellow lover of all things vintage and thrifted. We were supposed to head off to the thrift stores, but got to gabbing and before we knew it the stores had long been closed. So worth it though. Sharing treasures and stories with this dear friend is one of my favorites.
She surprised me by giving me some wonderful treasures...
My dear friend knows about my love of Pyrex, and she lovingly gave me her extra set of primary Pyrex dishes. I was speechless (which by the way is a miracle for me) After trying to convince her that I should not take these lovelies I gave in and I am pleased as can be to own this special set. I am still blown away by her sweet generosity.
Just for fun here are some more shots...
Happy Heart
She also gifted me this wonderful yellow wire basket
I just love thoughtful gifts, and even better are thoughtful gifts given in love.
Have you been gifted anything lovely lately? If so please link up so I can see your treasure.
The Joyful Thrifter
P.s Scarlet over at Scarlett loves Elvis is having a wonderful giveaway. Please visit her blog for a chance to win some great treasures!
Have you been gifted a wonderful treasure recently? Please link up and share!
This week offered many wonderful treasures! But before we get to the treasures I have to share this picture...
Is that not the cutest thrift shop sign? PLUS this is one of the most fun thrift stores I have been into for awhile. The owner was such a cheerful woman, and her friends were so funny. They were all bickering over different projects to do in the shop. It was so entertaining. The store was chalk full of antiques, but at thrift store prices. These are the treasures that I bought at this thrift store...
Finally a blue typewriter! I have been wanting one for some time, and I was jazzed when I found this one. When I asked the lady how much this gem cost she said $5.00. SOLD!
I also got these two Pyrex mugs for $1.00. Could anyone fill me in on the pattern? I have never seen it before. The handle is so sweet on these little mugs.
The rest of my treasures were found at other thrift stores...
Sweet round table cloth for $1.99 found at the Goodwill
Brand new Salt City candle for $2.99. These candles retail for about $18.00. The candle smells great too! Can't wait to start burning it.
Fun Cookbook copyright 1959 found at an estate sale for $1.00. My sweet thrifting mom bought this treasure for me.
Here is a peak inside...
She also bought this CD for me...
Fun 50's love songs and it was only $1.00. This estate sale was right down the hill from my parents house, so that made it even more fun because it was local. The prices were great too, which made it even better.
Cute little pepper shaker for $1.00. Mr Joyful Thrifter and I decided that we don't ever need to go back to this thrift store. It was really weird. I mean thrift stores can be full of weird things, but this one was off the charts. Glad we found at least one little treasure.
I fell in love with this craft basket, and I got it for $0.75 at the assistance league thrift store.
The last treasure is a special lovely from my mom
A sweet Pyrex dish that she found at a swap meet for $2.00. I was so excited that she bought it for me.
What treasures did you find this weekend? Please feel to link up and share your treasures. My favorite part of the week is to see what my blogger friends got a the thrift stores.
Besides going to a thrift store I would say my second favorite place to shop is Target! Today I went to target on my lunch break, and found some great deals! The things I found were about the same prices I would find at a thrift store. I had a great time!
I have had my eye on this binder for awhile, but it was originally priced at $7.69. That was to much for me, but when I saw it today in the clearance rack for $1.92 I had to have it!
The matching paper was a steal too at $1.21 originally priced $4.84
Target had a great line of black and white folders with splashes of color. I bought the other folders at different targets for $0.98/each. This was the last one that I needed, and I only paid a mere $0.24! Score!!! I love this folder. Its so cute! and fun, and weird! and me!
Colorful journel for $0.98
A wonderfully cheerful yellow mug for $0.48
And Finally my favorite find...
Sparkly silver shoes!! I just fell in love with these flats. Plus they were in my size.
Oh the price you ask...
YEP $3.26!!! Happy dance!
And if you need reminding all of these items were found at Target NOT at a thrift store.
And now some GREEN treasures around my house to wish you a Happy St Patty's day!
My super cute green dresser
My favorite green lamp (I bought two of these lamps for $5.00 at a swap meet)
My lovely green and blue bedding
The green and white Pyrex dish I used to put the veggies in for tonights dinner. ( I suppose my green vase in the background counts too)
And finally these great green wooden ..... things.... not sure what to call them. But they were thrifted at Goodwill for $2.99/each. They hang in my bathroom, and I just love them!
Enjoy your day thrifters! The weekend is almost here where hopefully some more treasures will be found!
Today was one of those wonderfully relaxing days. Mr Joyful Thrifter and I got to spend the whole day together. We decided to do a bit of baking, and it wouldn't be a good baking adventure if we didn't use Pyrex.
Here is a taste of our lovely afternoon. Sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with us. You are always welcome.
Mr Joyful Thrfiter LOVES cookies! So we baked a batch together. I told him they tasted so good because we mixed them in my yellow pyrex bowl.
We brewed up some coffee and of course I had my coffee in my pyrex mug. I also put my new pyrex plate to use.
Mr Joyful Thrifter enjoyed his cookies. We only have one Pyrex mug, so he had to use a sweet little pottery barn tea cup.
I hope you enjoyed your coffee break with us. We are glad you came! I am sure you all had a great weekend! Heres to hoping you got to enjoy some quiet moments with a loved one.